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Cantare Battendo sulla Scodella

(Singing with Beating Basin)

Workshop theatrical  - Centro della Pace,March-June 2019

In cooperation with Cantieri Meticci

A journey in stages that starts from the theatrical work The city of the dead by Gao Xingjian to travel through Chinese culture (or perhaps that of the whole world) among music, cinema, theater and art.


The city of the dead is based on the traditional Chinese opera Zhuangzi's wife [The death of Zhuangzi's wife], a popular repertoire, close to life and full of dramatic conflicts. The adaptation of Gao Xingjian, the first writer of Chinese origin to be awarded the Nobel Prize for literature, joined the thought of the situation of modern women and the response to the traditional drama in the Chinese cultural context of the second half of the 20th century.


Zhuangzi is the most legendary saint of Taoism: he is nonconformist, has romantic fantasies, he is also cynical and in the end, once illumination is achieved, he turns into a butterfly.


In via del Pratello we will sing songs from 2000 years ago with friends sipping beers and moving around in Mobike.

Reliving popular myths, discovering religious rituals, Chinese cuisine, Peking Opera and some absurd stories, we will "taste" all the dishes on the menu.

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Città dei morti (the city of death)

the Play  - Centro della Pace,13 June 2019

In cooperation with Cantieri Meticci


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